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Easing High Blood Pressure

If you suffer from an elevated blood pressure level, you might be wondering if medications are needed in order to reduce the numbers. However, lifestyle plays an important part in the treatment of the issue of high blood pressure. The control of blood pressure through healthy habits can be able to delay, prevent or even eliminate the necessity for taking medications.

Below are 10 life adjustments which can lower blood pressure and help keep it in check.

1. Reduce extra weight and monitor your waistline

The blood pressure can increase when weight is increased. Being overweight can also cause disruption in breathing when you rest (sleep apnea) that can increase blood pressure.

Weight loss is among the most beneficial lifestyle changes to control blood pressure. If you’re overweight or suffer from overweight, losing just the smallest amount of weight can lower blood pressure. The general rule is that blood pressure can decrease by one millimeter (mm Hg) for every kg (about 2.2 pounds) of weight you shed.

Additionally, the shape that the waistline extends is crucial. Being overweight around the waist may cause an increase in the likelihood of having high blood pressure.

In general:

The risk for men is of being overweight if the waist measurement of theirs is more then 40 inches (102 centimeters).
The risk for women is of being overweight if the waist measurement of theirs is more that 35ins (89 centimeters).

These figures vary between different ethnic groups. Talk to your doctor regarding a healthy waist measurement for you.

2. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can reduce blood pressure by around 5 to 8 millimeters Hg. It’s essential to exercise regularly to prevent the pressure from increasing again. In general you should aim for at minimum thirty minutes of exercise each day.

Exercise can also prevent high blood pressure from transforming to hypertension (hypertension). If you suffer from hypertension, regular exercise will lower blood pressure to safe levels.

Examples of aerobic exercise which can lower blood pressure are cycling, walking, jogging and swimming. You can also dance. Another option is high-intensity interval training. This kind of training involves mixing brief bursts of intense exercise with slower periods.

Strength training can also reduce blood pressure. It is recommended to incorporate exercise for strength at least twice a week. Speak with a health practitioner about creating an exercise routine.

3. Eat a healthy diet

Consuming a diet high in whole fruits, grains, vegetables and dairy products with low fat that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol can reduce blood pressure by as much as to 11 millimeters per hg. A few examples of diets that help to control blood pressure include the Dietary Strategies to End Hypertension (DASH) Diet, as well as the Mediterranean diet.

The consumption of potassium in the diet may help reduce the negative effects that salt (sodium) on blood pressure. The most potent source of potassium is food such as vegetables and fruits, rather than supplements. Try to get between 3,500 and 5,000 mg per day. This can lower blood pressure by between 4 and 5 millimeters Hg. Consult your physician about the amount of potassium you need to take in.

4. Reduce salt (sodium) in your diet

A small amount of sodium intake in the diet could increase heart health and decrease blood pressure to 5 to 6 millimeters Hg.

The impact of sodium intake on blood pressure can be different across different populations of individuals. In general, limit sodium intake to 2300 milligrams (mg) per day or less. However, a less sodium intake of 1,500 mg or less is ideal for adults of all ages.

To cut down on sodium in your diet:

Look up food labels. Find low-sodium versions of drinks and food items.
Consume less processed foods. Only a tiny amount of sodium is found naturally in food items. The majority of sodium is added during the process.
Do not add salt. Spices or herbs can spice up the food.
Cook. Cooking can help you manage the sodium content in your food.

5. Limit alcohol

Limiting alcohol intake to just one drink a day for women and two drinks per each day for men could reduce blood pressure by around 4 millimeters. One drink is equal to 12 ounces beer or wine, five ounces or 1.5 grams of 80 proof liquor.

However, drinking excessively could raise blood pressure by a number of points. It also can decrease the efficacy of blood pressure medicines.

6. Stop smoking

Smoking can raise blood pressure. Stopping smoking helps lower blood pressure. It also lowers the risk of developing heart illness and enhance overall wellbeing, which will lead to a longer lifespan.

7. Have a restful night’s sleep

A poor quality of sleep (i.e., getting less than six hours of rest every night for a few weeks could contribute to hypertension. There are a variety of conditions that can interfere with sleep, such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome, and general sleepiness (insomnia).

Contact your physician be aware if you frequently experience difficulty sleeping. Recognizing and treating the root of the problem will help you sleep better. But, if you’re not suffering from sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome, you can follow these simple steps to help you get more comfortable sleep.

Follow a strict sleep schedule. Sleep in and rise at the same time every day. Try to follow the same routine during weekends and weeknights.
Create a peaceful space. This means keeping the area of your bedroom cool, quiet and dark. Take a break during the time before bed. This could include having a bath in the warm water or engaging in a relaxation exercise. Avoid bright lightsources, like from a television or computer monitor.
Take note of what you eat or drink. Do not go to bed feeling hungry or overstuffed. Avoid eating big meals prior to the time of bed. Avoid or limit drinking alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine prior to bed and also.
Limit naps. If you’re one of those who finds napping throughout the day beneficial limit naps to thirty minutes before the time of day may assist in a better night’s sleep.

8. Reduce stress

Lang-term (chronic) psychological stress could result in the development of high blood pressure. Further research is required regarding the effects of techniques for reducing stress to determine whether they are able to lower blood pressure.

But, it’s not a bad idea to identify the causes of stress, like financial, family, work or health issues, then discover ways to lessen stress. Try the followingsuggestions:

Be careful not to try to do too numerous things. Plan your day , and keep your eyes on your goals. Learn to say”no. Take the time necessary to finish the work that needs to be completed.
Concentrate on the issues that you control and create plans to address the issues. If you have a problem at work, you can talk to your boss. If you are having a conflict with your children or spouse, try to work out a solution.
Beware of stress triggers. For instance, if rush-hour traffic is stressful, consider traveling at another time or take public transport. Avoid people who create stress as much as you can.
Take time to unwind. Every day, take time to relax and take a breath deeply. Take time to enjoy your favorite things or hobbies, like walking and cooking, or even helping out with a project.
Practice gratitude. Being grateful to those around you can ease stress.

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9. Keep track of your pressure levels at your home and regularly check-ups

Monitoring at home helps you keep an eye in your pressure. It will help you ensure that your medication and lifestyle changes are effective.

Blood pressure monitoring at home are sold easily and without prescription. Consult a healthcare doctor about monitoring your own blood pressure prior to beginning.

Regular visits to a doctor is also essential to control blood pressure. When you’re blood pressure managed, ask your doctor what frequency you should examine it. You may be able to do it just once per day, or less frequently.

10. Find support

Friendships and family members are essential to maintaining being healthy. They might motivate you to take good proper care of yourself, take you to your doctor’s office, or even start your exercise routine with you to maintain your blood pressure at a low level.

If you are in need of assistance beyond relatives and close friends think about joining an organization for support. It could bring you in contact with others who can give you an emotional or moral boost, and can provide practical suggestions to manage your illness.