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Home » Advantages of Using a Company for Your CCTV Requirements

Advantages of Using a Company for Your CCTV Requirements

CCTV is installed by a professional, adored from homeowners and shunned by criminals! It’s certainly the best way to go about it.

But many people opt for a DIY CCTV system that is good for the criminals! They are aware that poorly placed security cameras are less likely to operate well, so they stand the lowest chance of getting caught…

Professional CCTV installers know how to set up cameras so the footage is able to tick all the right boxes. Professionals can guarantee the highest quality of images at all times – something that comes in useful if you need to track down or prosecute a criminal!

Your DIY cameras could be considered illegal! Did you know there are strict guidelines on what you can and cannot film? If your CCTV happens to be recording your neighbour’s property , it is to the GDPR rules and may be violating the GDPR rules as well as the Data Protection Act.

Additional Reasons to Hire A Professional Installer

Professionally installed CCTV means total peace of mind. Security companies will evaluate the specific needs of your business to ensure the system falls in line with your personal lifestyle or the needs of your company, and includes features that will bring you peace of mind.

Certain DIY kits available provide similar functions. But if they’re not properly set up , you might not benefit from the fullest of them. In fact, they may be a security risk!


One of the most significant benefits in modern CCTV systems is being able to view your footage at any time via a smart phone, tablet or laptop.

This allows you to keep an eye on your home while you’re enjoying a relaxing day in the Algarve This is great! The issue is that your system can be connected via the web…

Because homes with DIY kits are frequently not properly installed, they’re susceptible to attack from hackers. Professionally fitted CCTV is less likely to be vulnerable due to the security settings such as default passwords or port numbers, will be altered upon installation.

In addition to other settings that have been altered, this means you’re more likely not to get observed by anonymous internet users or used as part of a large-scale DDoS attack.

Picture quality

And what about your footage’s resolution? Can you achieve the proper settings so the image is clear enough to be able to spot an intruder? Day or night?

With the expert tweak of some settings, a camera’s images can be corrected to make them crystal clear. The original factory settings can cause motion blur, giving difficult-to-use footage and, in extreme situations, failure to prosecution!

This is the benefit of hiring an experienced CCTV company.

Setting Up CCTV Is Easy However, what could go the wrong way?

If you think it’s simple consider rethinking your thinking.

There are numerous factors when choosing the correct cameras that a lack of knowledge could cause your footage to be useless.

Imagine that an intruder enters your home. They steal your jewelry as well as a laptop and tablet, three easily available items that are usually abandoned. This is why it’s a great delight that you set up CCTV a year ago!

When you go back to the footage, the camera is too high for you to see the criminal’s face. All it captures is a hooded figure walking into your home, only for them to walk out after 10 minutes, carrying the rucksack that is large and bulging!

It’s a moment of panic about getting some basic details if you reduce the speed of your footage… You’ve opted for Night Vision to see if you’ll be able see the plate of the car that the intruder arrived in. But without ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) that’s why it’s hard to determine the registration through the reflective glare.

You’ve spent a lot of money and many hours of time to install camera equipment… but you’re still unable to identify the culprit or their car!

And now , the police have asked to see your recordings – perhaps they’ll be able to discern certain specifics? You go to your DVR to record and… Oh no… you’ve been there for a couple of days since the memory ran out therefore the DVR recorded all the footage relevant to it. The police tell you that they’ll do everything they can to locate the person…

You’re aware that you’ll never get to see your treasures ever again. It’s a horrible story, and it’s a common occurrence.

Professionally installed CCTV from IP Video could give you second chance – you could see those precious objects again and be able to assist a prosecution.